What’s Drought Stress in Trees And How To Fix Them


If you are a gardener, you have probably heard of drought stress. It's common for plants to experience this, but what is it and how do you know if your tree is suffering from drought stress?

Drought stress happens when there isn't enough water in the soil for the plant to use. This can happen for several reasons: too much sun or wind, an overabundance of salt in the soil or simply not enough rain. When this happens, trees will begin to experience drought stress.

There are several signs that indicate drought stress in your tree. If you observe any of these signs, it may be a good idea to check on them more often during dry periods:

·         Drooping leaves on branches or at the tips of twigs and branches;

·         Browning leaves on branches or at the tips of twigs and branches;

·         Leaves curling up or cupping downward;

·         Stem and branch dieback;

·         Dry, brittle wood with cracks or splits.

How to protect your trees from the effects of drought?

The good news is you can take steps to protect your trees from the effects of drought. Here are some things you can do:

Water during dry spells: If you have a sprinkler system, use it regularly throughout the year. If you don't have a sprinkler system, consider installing one or watering manually.

Check your soil: Soil salinity can be measured by using a soil probe or hand trowel at least 4" below ground level at several locations around your yard. If the soil is very salty, try changing out some of the dirt for new soil from another part of your yard (at least 3 feet away from your tree), or adding organic material like compost to help improve drainage and reduce salt content in the soil.

Additionally, mulching around your trees will help keep moisture levels high and prevent weeds from stealing away precious water resources. Finally, pruning out dead wood and allowing younger branches room to grow will help distribute stress throughout the tree instead of concentrating it in one area.

If you're looking for Tree lopping services in Logan, Treezy can help. Our team of expert tree loppers will make sure your trees look perfect, no matter what shape they're in. We offer a range of services including tree trimming, deadwooding and stump removal. Call us now for a quote!
